Presentation of BioMMS at the Youth Scientific Session “BioMedicine and Quality of Life” 2021

Research Infrastructure for Advanced Studies of Biomolecules, Biomembranes and Biosignals (BioMMS) was presented at the Third Youth Scientific Session “BioMedicine and Quality of Life” (BMQL’2021), conducted on 2-3 December 2021 in Sofia. The presentation of BioMMS, listed in the National Road Map for Research Infrastructures 2020-2027, was a part of the program of that already traditional and long-awaited forum for the young Bulgarian research community in the areas of biophysics, biochemistry, biomedical engineering and bioinformatics. BioMMS was presented by Assoc. Prof. Vassia Atanassova from the Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering, leading organization in the project consortium and event organizer.


In the BioMMS presentation, were presented the institutes in the project consortium as well as the external organizations that have declared support for the project, the goals and tasks of the Research Infrastructure, the BioMMS vision and mission, the research directions and laboratories around which the project work has been organized. The lecture and practical trainings that BioMMS offer, as well as the opportunities for raising the research potential of the yound scientists were two of the presentation topics, which to the largest extent address the interests of the audience in the Youth Scientific Session “BioMedicine and Quality of Life”.

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Thus the BioMMS presentation perfectly fit in the palette of more than 30 scientific communications by young scientists and PhD students, 8 invited lecture talks given by leading researchers and guest-lecturers from USA, Japan, Germany, England, Spain, Italy and Bulgaria, and 4 presentations dedicated to career development, science communication and scientific entrepreneurship. According to the BMQL’2021 organizers, despite the challenges related to the organization of a scientific forum in the conditions of a global pandemics, the third edition of the conference has grown by 40% of the number of conference communications compared to the second edition in 2019, and has attracted young researchers from more and more diverse research institutions – 15 compared to 9 in the second edition. This development and expansion of the network of scientific contacts and partnerships is both a result and an essential benefit for the future development of BioMMS.

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