The solid experience of BioMMS scientists in the training of young researchers will be effectively utilized in the form of lecture courses and exercises / trainings, in accordance with the scientific activities of BioMMS and the specifics of the equipment purchased.

Lecture courses:

  • Up-to-date concept of fluid-mosaic model of biological membranes;
  • Lipids as organizers of cell membranes;
  • Membrane lipids and their role in human membrane-related diseases;
  • Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine;
  • Molecular modeling for drug design and screening;
  • Electrophoresis and immunodetection for characterization of the polypeptide composition of biological membranes, etc.

Practical trainings:

  • Phase contrast and fluorescence microscopy. New approaches and methods for detection and visualization of membrane domains.
  • Spectroscopic methods for characterization of the bio-physicochemical properties of biological and model membranes: molecular order parameter, fluidity, elasticity, lipid phase separation, domain size, lipid oxidation, activity of membrane-related enzymes, etc.
  • New methods for creating model membranes. Why is there a need to create artificial biomimetic membranes?
  • Microcalorimetric methods. Denaturation of proteins, protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions.
  • Application of circular dichroism to investigate structural changes in biomolecules. Innovations in determining the secondary structure of proteins and protein aggregates. Application of circular dichroism to investigate the macroorganization of native membranes and membrane fragments.
  • Atomic force microscopy. Topography and mechanical properties of biological materials, phase state and structural organization of membranes.
  • Absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy for use in biology and photobiology and for the study of physicochemical characteristics of biological and model membranes.

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