“Acad. Georgi Nadjakov” Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (ISSP–BAS) is a leading national institute in the theory of condensed matter, physics of new materials, nanophysics, micro- and acousto-electronics, low-temperature physics, physics of optics and optical methods, physics of living matter, physics of lasers, atoms, molecules and plasma.
ISSP–BAS is looking to take a well-deserved place in the scientific construction of United Europe and the world. To this end, ISSP–BAS has been actively involved in national, global academic research and in collaboration with industry, with the Institute operating a business incubator for small and medium-sized enterprises.
Administrative Structure
Administratively ISSP–BAS is built up of six departments and conducts research in the following priority areas of research:
- Theory DepartmentCondensed matter physics; Statistical physics; Magnetism; Non-linear phenomena.
- Soft Matter PhysicsThermotropic and lyotropic liquid crystals; Mechanical and electrical properties of lipid membranes; Membrane biophysics; Red blood cells; Rheology; Microfluidics; Lipid vesicles; Elasticity; Morphology; Computer modelling of biomembranes.
- Functional Materials and NanostructuresEnvironmental monitoring. New materials. Bioactive molecules and compounds, biomonitoring, ecosystems. Material science, high-temperature superconductivity, exploring the possibilities of obtaining and applying multifunctional materials for environmental protection. Investigation of the properties of orthodontic arches applied in dental medicine with regard to their safety for human health.
- NanophysicsNanostructured thin layers containing nanoscale semiconductors – thin layers, multilayer structures, composite layers. Chalcogenide glasses and amorphous thin layers, thermally induced and photoinduced phenomena. Applications in electronics, optoelectronics and sensors.
- Physical Optics and Optical MethodsLinear and nonlinear optics and spectroscopy. Optics and spectroscopy of thermotropic liquid crystals and other anisotropic media. Integrated optics. Holographic diffraction gratings. Fiber optics. Raman spectroscopy. Multilayer and thin-layer optics. Theoretical methods in optics, spectroscopy and quantum optics.
- Laser Physics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and PlasmaNew laser sources and their applications. Nonlinear optics. Plasma physics. Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), Archeometry, Femtosecond lasers and applications.
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