The BioMMS Consortium consists of three partner organizations – autonomous legal entities, situated in two geographical locations in Sofia, Bulgaria:

The cooperation between the institutes has been formed through joint research projects funded by the National Science Fund and through international projects. The fruitful scientific work conducted between these institutes has naturally led to the need of establishing the proposed infrastructure and forming the consortium between these three organizations. This consortium of the three makes them reliable partners, offering cutting-edge research when participating in international scientific and industry projects.
The establishment and development of BioMMS involves a number of planned activities related to: purchase of unique scientific equipment, upgrading and updating of the available equipment, enhancing the capacities of the scientific staff, development of joint educational programs, and participating in scientific projects at national and international level.

Management Structure

The management structure of the BioMMS project is organized in the following units: Council for Management and Execution, Scientific Council and Administrative Department.

  • Council for Management and Execution (CME), consisting of the directors of the three partner organizations and two more representatives of the Management of the coordinating organization IBPhBME-BAS. The Chair of the CME is elected among the CME members who are representatives of the coordinating organization.
  • Scientific Council (SC), consisting of one representative of each of the laboratories. The Public Relations officer is also a member of the SC.
  • Administrative Department, consisting of the following representatives of the coordinating organization IBPhBME-BAS: Assistant Director, Accountant, Cashier, and Financial Controller.

Support for BioMMS

By the time of submission of the “Research Infrastructure for Advanced Studies of Bio­molecules, Bio­membranes and Bio­signals (BioMMS)” project proposal, letters of support and stated interest to the BioMMS activities have been received from more than 15 national and foreign organizations.

Full list of the organizations supporting the BioMMS project.

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