Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences took part in the 2021 edition of the Sofia Science Festival, organized on May 15 and 16, in Sofia Tech Park by the British Council under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science in partnership with Sofia Municipality. The festival is a part of the cultural events calendar of the Sofia Municipality.
In the Science zone of the MES stand of national scientific programmes, the Institute presented a brochure describing the activities planned in the Research Infrastructure for Advanced Studies of Biomolecules, Biomembranes and Biosignals (BioMMS), where IBPhBME-BAS is the project coordinator and the consortium partners are “Acad. Roumen Tsanev” Institute of Molecular Biology and “Acad. Georgi Nadjakov” Institute of Solid State Physics.
The mission and vision of BioMMS were presented, as well as the power of multidisciplinary research, the existing laboratories in the Infrastructure, as well as the lecture courses and practical trainings that the Infrastructure is currently offering to school and university students, young researchers and business representatives. As the scientists standing behind the BioMMS Infrastructure, we declared our desire to use our knowledge and skills to build a smarter healthcare system, inspired by innovative scientific research and technologies.
The aim of our participation in the Sofia Science Festival was popularization of the Infrastructure’s activities among the general audience, to recruit young people, start-up companies and business partners to science. The Festival is gaining momentum as the participants ranged from small children to renowned scientists, highly qualified practitioners and business partners. Mixing various science users and science makers leads to its popularizations, broader acceptance and understanding of its significance in the human life, even by the youngest visitors. The reality that world globally faced in 2020, unconditionally demonstrated how important is science in preserving life and humanity.
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