The Research Infrastructure for Advanced Studies of Biomolecules, Biomembranes and Biosignals (BioMMS) sets the aim to connect the best available scientific expertise, methods and technologies of Bulgarian research laboratories in the area of Biomolecules, Biomembranes and Biosignals. The priority goal of BioMMS is to discover the causes for molecular dysfunctions and related pathologies, leading to the development of socially significant diseases.

BioMMS will modernize and upgrade the present infrastructure in the hosting institution and the two partnering organizations, which will create a new modern infrastructure with the potential to conduct large scale and advanced interdisciplinary scientific research, commensurate with the European and global standards of research quality.
The proposed research infrastructure is unique in its ability to provide a closed loop of research activities ranging from theoretical models and computer-simulated analyses of biomolecules, through experimental characterization of bio­mole­cules, and biomembranes, and analysis of biomedical signals, to a final scientific product with an applied value. The activities defined in the BioMMS will result in the discovery of new molecular mechanisms and interactions, the development of new treatment models, innovative diagnostic methods and appliances.
The synergism between high quality scientific expertise and modern infrastructure will allow for the implementation of innovative research, applied scientific and educational ideas and solutions, based on interdisciplinary research with fundamental and applied character ... more ...
in the areas of Bio­medicine, Bio­physics, Bio­chemistry, Biomechanics, Bio­engi­neering, Artificial Intelligence, Chemo- and Bio­informatics. The acquisition and promotion of this knowledge will evoke the natural interaction between science and business, thus stimulating the implementation of socially significant scientific products, reducing the economic burden on society caused by the lack of adequate treatment for some severe human diseases.
On a national level, the BioMMS project has no analogue in terms of scientific expertise and proposed technologies for experimental analyses. The project aims for acquisition of nationwide unique equipment and partial modernization of the available infrastructure in the three partnering organizations, which will allow scientific excellence and development of competitive business-oriented products and services.
BioMMS is aligned with two of the priority directions of the National Strategy for Development of Scientific Research of Bulgaria 2017—2030, namely “Health and quality of life, biotechnology and organic food” and “Information and communication technologies”, as well as with the following thematic areas of the Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization of the Republic of Bulgaria:

  • Industries for Healthy Life and Biotechnology
    More specifically, the proposed research infrastructure will allow for the development of: innovative instruments and technologies for medical diagnostics and treatments; novel approaches to personalized and translational medicine; targeted drug design; medical-engineering techniques and services; technical tools for rehabilitation; nanotechnologies for medical use, etc.
  • Informatics and ICT
    We plan the application of novel approaches to: analysis of databases with application in Biology and Medicine; development of web, hybrid and ‘native’ software applications; web-based applications for creation and deployment of new services and products, related to e-healthcare; processing of biomedical signals and data, etc.

The symbiosis between both directions defined the project as highly innovative, multidisciplinary and one of a kind for Bulgaria.

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